What is Rob Gardner’s LAMB OF GOD?
“Lamb of God” is a dramatic musical portrayal of the final days of the life of Jesus, from the foreshadowing raising of Lazarus, to the devastating arrest and crucifixion of Jesus, and finally to his glorious resurrection. Composed and written by Rob Gardner, the story of Jesus is told through the perspective of those who loved and walked with him: Peter, John, Thomas, Mary and Martha of Bethany, Mary Magdalene and his Mother Mary….
Each year, an estimated 4,000+ performers across the world participate in locally-produced performances of “Lamb of God” in places as far-reaching as the Netherlands, Romania and Buenos Aires. These performances play for a total audience of well over 50,000 people from dozens of faiths. Almost all of these performers, both professional and amateur, volunteer an enormous amount of time and talent to share this message because they believe it will transform and bring a measure of hope and light into many lives, including their own. Such is the power of the music and message of “Lamb of God”.
From Rob Gardner’s Website at: robgardnermusic.com/lamb
LAMB OF GOD in Tooele UT
Every Easter Season a group of 125+ Tooele Valley Musicians gather together to perform Rob Gardner’s sacred production to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. They rehearse for 4 months, with a full choir and orchestra. Countless hours go into practice and preparation. Each performer brings their talents, time, and faith to bring the faith of Christ’s early followers to life.

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Lamb of God in Tooele, UT
Experience the power of music this April